Wow you're being such a Sue Howard right now.
by Westansue December 4, 2018
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To politely excuse yourself when you need to take a stinky number 2. Typically said when you feel the bubbly guts after drinking too much coffee.
by SCHLAMit November 3, 2020
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A person who so so ethically low that they look for ways to invent an issue with a personal or a company to get money.
Did you hear about that guy that tried to put a cockroach in the tacos so he could sue Taco Bell? Typical sue rat!
by Dontbeajerk March 10, 2017
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The act of hiring an overpriced defamation lawyer to sue for defamation peasant because your feelings were hurt based on said peasant’s words.
John Barilaro tried to Sue Chrysanthou'd Jordan Shanks but failed epically.

PotatoHead Dutton Sue Chrysanthou'd human rights activist Shane Bazzi because it turns out potatoes do have feelings and his were hurt when he was called a Rape Apologist
by LNPinsider December 11, 2021
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Very funky rapper gal. She'll probably take over the industry one day cuz she's so good. She's very tall and it intimidates me, but I still love her. She is also very smart.
Wow Sue Xan is such a cool rapper
by Pissy LaPoo October 23, 2019
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She’s trustworthy and you can tell her anything. She’s pretty, nice, and super funny! she’s a chilver but we love her for it. Everyone loves her and she has too many friends to count. HI RONNI ITS DAKOTA!
peron #1: wowza who’s that hottie over there

person #2 that’s ronni sue duh
person #1 I shoulda known someone that pretty is named ronni sue
by chilver101 December 23, 2019
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A wise girl, far wiser than her years.

Feels alot of pain everyday but smiles every day just the same fore she is the protector of those she loves and they must never see her weakness or they may surrender to their own weaknesses.

Keni sue is a loyal and EVERY HONEST being, some may even mistake her honesty for pure disrespect but that is never her true intention.

Generosity is in her nature. Need a shirt!? "Here take the one I'm wearing she says, while you're at it take the bra and my socks too!!" Keni sue says

Missouri born she has very simple needs and requirements for everything in life and NEVER expects even half of the effort she gives everyone and everything back, her reward is the happiness and smiles of those who "win" from her "losses"
Illinois raised since around 5-8 years of age Keni Sue is a fighter. Literally and figuratively, mentally, emotionally and definitely physically.

She has fought for happiness and peace most of her life which is nonetheless taken its toll but that FIGHTING spirit will not die. Keni Sue has also had to defend herself And her loved ones in the most physical of ways more times than anyone would like to count but regardless keni

sue will always fight regardless of which form for herself And her people.

Keni sue is special
Keni Sue is kind
Keni Sue is brave
Keni sue is selfless
Keni Sue is smart

Keni Sue is keni sue
Keni Sue is one of the best people I have ever met, I don't understand why so many people dislike her.
by Keni Sue's truth June 7, 2020
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