Like romance itself, this person no matter what cannot find love as they seek it— much like a hopeless romantic, however instead of just believing in love, this one tends to give up on trying to find it for oneself and instead looks for it’s presenwe in the world around them whether it be real or of fiction.
Bob: Hey Steve!! Look over there, it’s a forbidden romantic

Steve: You mean hopeless right?
Bob: no..I mean forbidden, dude can’t find love for himself so he be looking for it in other’s
Steve: heh? well, alright then..
by One and Only Fool November 13, 2022
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The act of farting into a woman’s vagina, and for her to proceed to queef it back out.
Ran screaming from some chicks bed when she did the forbidden queef
by Lickalotopus April 15, 2023
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When you can’t stop laughing during an inappropriate moment & it makes you laugh even harder. For example, you’re in a serious meeting & you get a case of the giggles that you can’t stop.
Dude I got the forbidden giggles at my Grandfather’s funeral.
by My dad left for cigarettes October 31, 2022
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I was eating a girl out and a Forbidden Gusher slipped into my mouth.
I was with a girl and ate the Forbidden Gusher.
She took her pants off and a Forbidden Gusher Fell out.
by Shep_143 August 8, 2023
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