A female who is an asshole to ugly guys, and fucks just about every other guy
by mega buzzed July 19, 2008
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A person that although being successful at getting the attention of attractive women is not to be considered a whore.
Nick Benton is not-a-whore, he just gets mad ladies!
by the greatest evah June 25, 2010
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Advertising one's availability as a provider of some service, not necessarily a sexual service. For instance, a visual artist declaring willingness to take commissions – to create the picture you want in exchange for a payment.
"can i post a blog whoring myself out?"
by Australian Observer December 17, 2011
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Someone who exchanges sex for compensation (commonly money, but it can also be drugs or socks or something).
Girl 1: You're such a whore. >=(
Girl 2: Well, you're a slut. At least I get paid.
by justthoughtidfixthislol March 3, 2009
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To go whore-house hoping.
Hey, let's go whoring tonite.

Do you want to go whoring later?
by Lab_Virus November 27, 2009
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The term "whores" can refer to the quirky inhabitants of deviantarts dAmn chat channel, #whores (founded by dxd). Often found musing over cake, small creatures resembling aubergines-mid-growth, and their shared love of bitching over people who have their heads lodged in inconspicuous body cavities, these residents of the cyber-realm can be hostile towards the unsuspecting newbie, however they are quick to welcome into their fold any whom they deem a worthwhile part of their clan.

Whores enjoy : kicking, bitching, orange peel and those pictures of Judy Garland with the cactus and the apple sauce.
Whores do not enjoy : gmail invites, poisonous sandwiches, gayfurries and those small tapioca treats that get stuck between your teeth.

Approach with caution, don't feed the peskaa (and be nice to primus.
<alyn> primus makes alyn go pointy :aww:
*alyn was kicked by primus* you're just a gravy stain
by Not Alyn September 12, 2004
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Someone who has excessive amounts of sex; may be addicted and may be unhealthy.
That Lauren is such a whore!

I banged this chick last night, and it turns out she's a whore.
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