Sheer torture where you stop understanding math because it got mixed up with letters.
They told us to find the value of "x" in math class,I officially gave up on ever graduating at that moment.
by #itsAndrea February 1, 2019
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The tangible importance, worth, or usefulness one brings with them to a party, typically in the form of drugs and/or alcohol. Neither money nor personality are acceptable.
It doesn't matter how hot, funny, cool, rich, or sober you might be, if you come to a party empty handed, your party value is zero and you will be asked to leave.
by teenyz720 October 3, 2020
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Treasured or revered for its ability to fertilize the egg of a female, or in memory of said ability.
Lewis and Clark brought along a large muscular African-American fellow as one of their traveling-party on their expedition out West, and said chocolate-skinned behemoth proved to be of great semenental value to the group in many of the Native villages that they passed through --- wherever they stopped, multiple squaws would often literally line up to be impregnated by said husky and virile dude, in hopes of raising huge strong-bodied sons of their own from this "fresh blood" infusion.
by QuacksO October 25, 2019
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Term frequently used by the Schwartz family tree, predominately those with XY chromosomes, to describe people/objects/actions that have a positive impact on society.
Erik why do you like EDM music? No musical talent there, not a value add!!!
by Rebel03 February 19, 2019
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Businesses do the same thing, not me. The all have a mission statement. It's exactly the same as the "I identify" shit.
Hym "That 'OUR values' shit is no different than the I identify shit. Exactly the same actually. We don't have values, my values aren't wrong, don't need to change, your success isn't the result of your values, there are more successful people than you with objectively worse values, I don't need to share your values for you to cooperate with me (and if THAT isn't truth than there goes all hope for peace), you're a piece of shit, I succeed radically immediately with less effort if I'm given credit for my contributions to a space that YOU ARE IN YOURSELF AND ARE MY OBJECTIVE INFERIOR, Ect..."
by Hym Iam March 11, 2023
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or ISVEE; The process where, after somebody dies, society and the government value the person who died less as time passes by. The more time that has passed since the person died, the less society and the government value them as an individual. How rapidly this process occurs depends on how important society viewed the person as being, how they died, and how many close friends and family the individual had.
Person 1: Isaiah was nice guy. Its a shame more people don't remember who he was and how much he helped this community. Its only been five years since he died.
Person 2: Yeah. Unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten about him and value him that much anymore. He is a victim of the Individual societal value erosion effect, which is very unfortunate.
Person 1: I agree with you there.
by Vanguard 1998 January 23, 2021
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Definition 1: Getting head (oral sex) in a Mickey D’s restroom.

Definition 2: Lathering a Big Mac in Big Mac Sauce and repeatedly inserting and removing your penis from between either of the three buns.
Definition 1 example:
Dude 1: bro why do you keep scratching your dick?
Dude 2: probably cause I let that ho give me a Value Meal last night. Shit man

Definition 2 example:
Dude 1: why are you putting so much sauce on your bi- where are you going?
Dude 2: hold on I’ll be right back after I get this Value Meal in the bathroom
Dude 1: nice man
by Freggsmash May 13, 2019
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