partner of super hot sexy cool pretty famous lit epic cute funny hilarious SKR popular buff muscley witty smart intelligent person
Passionate Pants: Will you marry me? Please say yes you are so epic!

Partner: yeah sure ig.
by fortniteluver420 March 9, 2021
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A word used to discribe when a females vagina is dripping with any sort of substance, before, during or after sex.
One my god~ I had sex for the first time with Alex! He was going so hard and had me dripping with passion two seconds in!!
by PussyGoLucky August 11, 2019
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The act of laying over the top of your female love-mate and giving her the throb of your knob. Usually more intimate and slow.
by Dirk the Digler February 14, 2022
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when you love the idea of having something so much it overrides your logic, reason and ability to spell properly.
Andrea is so passionate to money she won't give me her phone for free.
by nerkiansavage November 14, 2013
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Basically Everclear, plenty of water, and plenty of punch mix. Make the mix so it isn't too watery, too sweet, or too bitter. Basically, make it like 5 - 10 % alcohol, mostly water, and add about 5 - 15% punch. Adapt the recipe as needed.

Oh, it called Purple Passion Punch for a reason. It makes people more... passionate.

Especially the ladies, who generally weigh less then the guys.
Gal 1 - WOOO YEAH, THIS IS SO MUCH FUN *intense giggling, takes of shirt and swings it around*
Gal 2 - Whoa there, whats gotten into you?
Guy 1 - I think she had a bit too much Purple Passion Punch.

Guy 2 - *hic* Yeah, she needs to a.... *hic* I forgot. Not only is my bad memory a problem, my bad memory is a problem.
by Ol' Rocklike Rock March 22, 2015
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When you and your mate are drinking at a pub and it looks like everyone belongs in a cult.
“Ayo ray Sean”
“What? “
“Looks a bit weird in this pub, looks like there’s gonna be a passionate purge
by ahohomichaelahoho April 5, 2021
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