A problem that you created so you could fix it so you didn't look as stupid as you really are.
by Thunder memes June 12, 2019
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to spend an unnecessary amount of money on something
-OMG, I'm totally going to the mall to Kardashianize!
by DanielSan123 December 13, 2016
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the four best of friends. 1 the one who cats for every boy in the year above. 2 the one who smokes too much pot then wonders why she’s broke. 3 the one who’s a quirky lesbian. 4 the one who gives out life advice but doesn’t stick to it herself
oh have you heard about the kinky kardashians? i wish we were as cool as them!!!
by bigw1lly101 May 3, 2020
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Hoping that fame, greatness and success will magically occur without the inconvenience of hard work and dedication. This is a deep mental instability that occurs in many young people these days.
A typical conversation between two individuals with a deep rooted kardashian syndrome.

Eric: What are your plans for the future?

Tom: I don't know, I'll just sit on my ass all day and do nothing, hoping that the universe will magically give me everything I want without doing anything.

Eric: Sweet! I Don't have any goals or aspirations for the future either!

*high fives*
by Archetypalknight June 10, 2017
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Used to describe teenage girls who dress and act like they are self-sustaining, autonomous adults. Shortened to K-15.
Guy 1: That teeny-bopper has like, a fuckin' Gucci handbag. Why?
Guy 2: I don't know, man. Text-book Kardashian 15 attitude.
by FlufferNutterButter August 22, 2014
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Going to the gym, sitting on a piece of exercise equipment and engaging with your cell phone.
I went to the gym today and couldn't tear myself away from Facebook. It was, a Kardashian workout.
by theecomicguy July 7, 2017
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-To self promote
-Usually attempted by individuals with little to no talent.

Those that preform these heinous acts, often lack character, skills as well as a basic understanding of right and wrong.
Please stop self-kardashianing. Your parents grow weary and you’re not gaining anything. A paid ho is still a ho. They just agreed on a dollar amount
by VanillaThunder96 May 9, 2022
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