1. a person who is so dorky that their a bad-ass in their own way
Dude, even though throwing cards is kind of dorky, you're pretty much a bamf dork at it.
by millernm November 23, 2010
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A guy who is tall and lanky with twigs for arms, a big forehead, and lacks style.
I can't believe Sarah is with Joe Dork.

His style and fashion sense is so Joe Dork.
by GustosDad February 3, 2010
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To rock out in the most dorky way possible. To enjoy oneself without fear of looking like an idiot, despite the fact that one does look like an idiot.
We were totally dorking out over the new Xbox.
by angus May 13, 2004
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Refers to the aesthetics of a dorky girls boobs. They often point in a weird direction, and have a large gap in between them. They can be extremely unpleasant if encountered when sober. This type of titty can even be caught reading a book under her bra, although its very rare.
Ryan: "God you're hot but your tits are dorky as shit."
Jen: Yeah, these Dork tits are pretty stupid looking."
Ryan: "Why the fuck are they reading?
by Sally Crapbasket July 8, 2009
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A British pop band started by James Bourne after his previous band, Busted, split up.

The members of this band consist of James Bourne, Danny Hall, David Williams, Steven Rushton, and Chris Leonard.

They came out with one record, titled "Welcome to Loserville" that was released November 21, 2005.

They produced two singles, "Ticket Outta Loserville" and "Eddy's Song."

They are no longer officially together, David, Chris and Steven having left the band.

"Have you heard that new song called Ticket Outta Loserville?"

"The one by Son Of Dork?"

"Yeah! It's awesome!

"Dude! I love that song!"
by Lindsay!@! January 21, 2009
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A lame way DMHN board admins use to ban someone from their forum. Without informing posters what a dork trap is.
Admin: dork trap
below poster: yea man Whats up with this
Admin: OMGZ you are so banned
by wifflewoffle July 20, 2006
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Dork muffin is a term used to describe someone who is unbelievably-- Nay, outrageously awesome. So awesome is such a person that you would want to spend the rest of your life with them. They know no limits in their sense of humor. Last but not least of all, they taste sensationally delicious. Once you have tasted a dork muffin, it is rumored by the lucky few that have tasted them that you could never go back. Ever. Derived from 2 words, ironically happening to be both "dork" and "muffin" , few have yet lived long enough to achieve a title of such grandeur.

Among the few who have been able to achieve the novel title of dork muffin are the Green Ranger, Victor, smexy Jason and <3Jen<3. Forever will their names be etched into history as the most awesome people not only on Earth, but also the coolest gangstas of the highest degree.
person #1: I sure am bored and hungry today.
person #2: As am I, fellow human brethren.
dork muffin: Eat me!
person #1: Uh... What do you mean by that?
person #2: Were you being rude or did you mean it literally?
dork muffin: ;D <333
person #1: Now you are not even speaking English anymore.
person #2: 'Tis true. But my cravings for fun and hunger have been satisfied. This... Person is exquisitely delicious. Thank you-- *looks at name tag* Dork muffin.
dork muffin: ; *opens up mouth and shoots corn at persons #1 and 2*
person #1: Corn! One of my many weaknesses!
person #2: I... *dead*
person #1: I will avenge your death #2! *dead*
dork muffin: And all is well in the world. <3
by HappySkies September 2, 2007
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