When you’re eating pizza and it’s so fresh and hot it burns the top of your mouth behind your teeth.
Friend 1: “Ouch the pizza burned me!”
Friend 2: “Dude it gave you total chump mouth
by DMetty October 1, 2020
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when you get hit in the face so hard that it knocks you back a couple feet.
guy: so i heard you got into a fight last night
friend: yeah, i gave this guy the worst mouth plow ever! it was hilarious.
by zxcmega July 16, 2011
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Squash-Mouth: Oh my God look at Dr. Doe. I'm squash mouthing all over him.
by SuzyQ1 May 29, 2017
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In the Nordic highlands, it was widely though to be rude when prince's of lords would pick their teeth with their fingers in a jerking motion, while speaking ill of their house.

This custom was adopted by the Europeans in the 1600's
When your son is mouthing off, when he should be zipin' the lip. He's being a mouth jerk
by Laythem June 9, 2012
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