The 4 magical words used for tricking martial arts. Mainly used by the Bing Bang Boys.
by krakedekuku April 14, 2021
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(n); when a female has a few strands of long thin hairs coming straight down on her forehead, usually ending right above the eyes- thus resembling the LOTR character, Gollum's, bangs. Usually accompanied by a pony tail.
That fat girl at the bar with the pony tail has some gollum bangs!
by biggirlsequallove July 17, 2009
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A beautiful busty blonde. Must be a daaaaaaaaaamn! On breast must be at least a D cup. Mainly beautiful German girls.
by SGT ROBO-COP March 29, 2014
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A lady who likes to make love to her personal fanny toy!!
"I'm going home for a right dilly banging session!"
by PDM69er June 1, 2019
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A phrase used to refer to a hangover that is accompanied by a splitting headache.
Bro, you a little bang let it hang this morning? Yeah dude, I'm never drinkin strawberry mellon wine coolers again.
by Mr. Ecko November 5, 2009
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A reoccurring phenomenon that happens in the south west when a woman is suddenly surrounded by an enormous group of mexicans that kill and rape her (in that order) leaving just as fast as they came, with only the woman's dead body laying on the ground bleeding out. The whole process takes roughly 3 seconds.
I dont know man, it just happened, like a Mexican flash-bang
by Omegav February 23, 2023
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