an individual (usually a hipster) that frequents coffee shop in hopes of getting some poontang.
Coffee shop perverts typically spend more than 2 hours at a coffee shop at any one time.
by Tha_Cuddla May 4, 2005
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A marxist hippie who is in need of a shower. Often known for having far leftist view points. Many are found without shoes or condoms.
Many wall street protestors are hippie commie perverts.
by Jim H Little December 10, 2011
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hermirt the perverts son is hermit the perverts son
hermit the perverts son has a big shlong
by im gunna kms January 9, 2023
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The ultimate punisher after someone utters “ur mom gay” and “ur dad lesbian”. The peasant that hears this will get destroyed. Now while they are vulnerable, you have to say everything they tried insulting you with and yell out “ur uncle perv” to 1. Destroy their entire career and 2. Forever traumatize them. If they say “no u” you have to yell out the ultimate combo finisher “ur uncle hella perv” to end them. They can’t come back from that. If they do, use your banishment card “begone thot to banish them while destroying their entire career and forever traumatizing them.
Person 1: Ur mom gay
Person 2: No u
Person 1: ur dad lesbian
Person 2: ur uncle pervert
Person 1: collapses
Person2: ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian and ur uncle a perv
Person 1: no u
Person 2: ur uncle hella perv
Person 1: no u
Person 1: (Gets banished and is sent into the underworld)
by nut_in_my_face777 March 10, 2018
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Grand Old Perverts is the modern description for the three letter initialization for the Republican party GOP.
You know it's really become apparent that what was the Grand Old Party has become nothing but a collection of "Grand Old Perverts.
by ilookmarvlus July 18, 2019
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Anyone who secretly uses their mobile phone to take pictures or video of people in public places.
Man #1- Hey asshole, you recording my girlfriend doing beer bongs and passing out drunk? I'm going to kick your ass, you Flip Phone Pervert.

Man #2- If your girlfriend wasn't making such a whore out of herself I wouldn't be doing it. Anyway, a concert parking lot isn't then best place to expect privacy.
by joeh1995 June 19, 2011
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A 40 year old man who hits on girls less than half his age. (i.e, 20 and below)
Place of frequenting, bars, clubs, any social venue, even facebook.
A 40 year old pervert preys on young ladies with the intention of getting laid. This behavior can be explained by his lack of a real or sexual life or his pedophiliac nature. Using his "knowledge", "experience" and possible wealth to charm and influence young girls.

Being 40, the pervert will be cunning and sneaky, twisting truths to suit his pursuit. Please beware.
by 18yearsoldvictim March 10, 2011
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