An energetic and loyal friend. She often has trouble understanding social cues and struggles with empathy... However this does not stop her from being a smart, creative, and talented. Lin's are generally very annoying people but with the right supports they can thrive!
Girl 1: Omg who is that girl jumping up and down.
Girl 2: Oh. That's just Lin being Lin.
by iwodjwedideo November 13, 2021
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he won't give me nitro
Person 1: is that a Lin?
Person 2: yeah he doesnt give grace nitro
by imthecoolestperson69 January 20, 2022
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lin is very very cool
by kayatefr May 13, 2022
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é muito legal,atenciosa, inteligente, tem cara de metida e nojenta mas é um amor

Pessoa- “ mano não posso te ajudar com isso, mas o meu amigo lin pode, ele é muito bom
by Floripa August 28, 2020
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he is totally short but smort. so don't yes don't don't dotn todnt on fd underestimated him
by linhaha October 14, 2021
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A boy who is a balanced, confident, honest, and humble person. Usually handsome, causing girls to go all over him. He can be trusted with any secret and is really smart. If you ever have a friend like him, treasure it with you life, because one day he will repay you.
by TheOneThatKnowThings November 21, 2021
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