If you live here your a depressed loner and probably have never felt the touch of a female oh and you probably have no friends.
“Hey do you live in Abingdon Illinois?”

Oh you probably suck.”
by Drugs and hookers March 8, 2021
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When a man attaches a razorblade to his penis, and performs a 'helicopter' right above a woman's pubic area (she MUST have a bush for this to work).
Homie 1: "You know Jessica from algebra?"
Homie 2: "Yeah man, rumor is she has never shaved her pubes and has a full-on rainforest in her pants."
Homie 1: "That's no rumor bro, I'm going to her house after school to help her, thinking about giving her an illinois lawnmower."
Homie 2: "Tiiiiight. Hey listen, she's really hot so if the razor slices her leg, can you bring me some of her blood? I'll buy it from you, I just want to put it under my tongue so it gets in my bloodstream."
by Mydickislikeamovie Uncut August 17, 2018
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When two men touch the tips of their dick together, similar to high-fiving.
Hey gang the Cubs won.. Illinois High-Fives all around!"
by Trz Sewercap May 21, 2020
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A toxic scumbag who got cheated on and is trying to sabotage the cheaters life and uses their friends as spy’s and lies about everything.
by 2014 Toyota Corolla January 15, 2023
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Gilbert’s Illinois is a small town in northern Illinois filled with a bunch of hicks everywhere but the “wannabe” ghetto of timber trails, Gilbert’s Illinois has a hot spot at cruisins where a bunch of old white people like to talk about how kids nowadays aren’t shit.
Let’s go to Gilberts Illinois and pick up some milfs at cruisins
by Fuck60136 October 20, 2021
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