The most amazing, nice, funny, beautiful, and cute girl there is. She always makes everyone laugh, and she cures depression. Everyone loves Becca and if you don't you probably like Amy Schumer. Becca is the best girl ever and everyone wants to date her. Shes so holy and innocent but can make dirty jokes. Becca is the most prettiest girl on the planet and deserves the planet itself. Becca is the best
Guy 1:Is that the prettiest angel ever?
Guy 2:No that's Becca but she is an angel and the prettiest girl ever
by KennyBoy#5094 on discord December 18, 2020
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Someone who works in the local pub and likes to fornicate with older people. Could also be mistaken as a lesbian
by Smoothbrian November 21, 2021
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Becca is really good at giving advice but never takes it herself. She is a big BTS and ATEEZ fan. She is very smart and cares about her friends. She has a tight friend group in the group she is the advice-giver. She is very smart and is the only one in the group that is not gonna be a striper.
This is how big my dick is (Becca to Carrot)
by Jeslyn15 June 3, 2020
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Becca is a name for a cute adorable girl. She hates being called though two words though so don’t even try. She is short but don’t say anything. So yea UWU
“Becca is so cute!”


by Becca uwu November 14, 2019
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A nasty slut from hell who deserves to sleep on nails
You know that bitch becca? She fucked the whole team!
by Frogmommy August 4, 2022
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A person who you would shoot in the head if it was not illegal. She acts like your friend then stabs you in the back. She will eat your lunch if you don't claim it in 2 seconds and on the third you do she will call you a liar. NEVER TRUST BECCA.
"Becca is coming." "RUN RUN ITS THE END"
by doodiedonkeydoodaa March 18, 2020
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Katie: She’s a slag she must be called Becca
by Yellow jacki November 5, 2019
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