To enter the unknown. Whether never done before or something new to the individual.
You know how Elon Musk sent a Tesla into space? Yeah, he really crossed the void!

When Jim was afraid to jump off the high dive the first time his friend shouted "You can do it Jim! Cross the Void!!!"
by Moto Void November 17, 2018
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a personality disorder caused by trauma that affects a persons ability to feel emotions in order to help the brain cope with severe depression. This is also called "emotional numbness"
The bullying got so bad I had void personality disorder for months.
by lemoncharva October 28, 2023
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Often referred as void, is the feeling of deep loss, craving, nostalgia, boredom and sadness one can feel after experiencing life by procuration (through book, movies, games, music...)

It can be quite impactful on adolescent still searching the meaning in life and can cause uncertainty on one's self-worth

This feeling can last up to a few months depending on your sensibility
A: man I just finished Eragon. I feel so useless... I want a dragon so much.
B: sounds like someone got procurative void there
A: yea I'm struggling with it how do you never seem to get it
B: it's simple, just never stop the flow of stories.
by TheJoin August 16, 2022
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hello void you're dirty now

-autumn hi lol
dirty void hi lol
by pure/autumn November 17, 2021
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The feeling of helplessness and losing your faith in yourself or the world. To the point where you just feel true emptiness to the point, it feels like your drifting through space without any cares of your fate.
Void mode is on full swing right now
by Pathfinder Pops June 24, 2020
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When void says something is Voided he means that it is Non-existent .
by Voided pain February 3, 2021
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Usually what complaining roleplayers say when they don't wanna roleplay with you, they usually say this when roleplaying in csom, and say "The rules say I can not roleplay with someone when you don't feel like it" as their only response.
Roleplayer 1: *generic action against another roleplayer*
Roleplayer 2: dude the hell why did you do that?))
Roleplayer 1: you rped against me, i kinda have the right to rp back against you.))
Roleplayer 2: voided))
by some engineer 101 March 7, 2021
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