A Female(s) from mountains or higher elevation that may seem pretty or sexy from a distance but as approaching closer there grotesque, toothless and pitted in the face.
I thought she was a fine mountain princess but as I got closer I was painfully shocked to see she was mountin scab.
by Satan 79 May 30, 2021
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Another term for picking at a scab, because you always run the risk of picking at a part that hasn't healed yet and you re-open the wound.
Fuck, I played some scab roulette and started bleeding again
by Terean April 30, 2022
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After having sex; you have some semen that crusts over the tip of the urethra causing a split stream of urine. This causes urine to spray outside of the toilet bowl area.
I broken my cum scab while urinating in the urinal.
by Volkswag3n January 20, 2021
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When you're fucking and the girl has a cut on her and you jizz onto it.
Yo man I heard they were fucking so hard he mustard scabbed her
by xXPAJokerXx January 25, 2014
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Occurring mainly in MMORPG's, Killscabbing is the act of waiting until another player has almost killed an enemy, then leaping in and finishing it off, thereby depriving the other player of experience points and or items.
On WoW as Wrather goes to kill a tough enemy, another, far weaker player suddenly rushes in and kills the creature, taking the experience points and items that rightfully belong to Wrather. In frustration, he proclaims on the general chat channel. "Oh you f**king kill scab!"
by Bahamut_256 December 5, 2006
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When a woman is screwed so hard and so much it results in clam scabs.
Paul was banging his boss so hard and so often she was complaining about having clam scabs to her coworkers!
by Clamer August 19, 2016
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A prepubescent scab is an individual who periodically has 'episodes' that involve the individual taking on the form of a child. Therefore resulting in childlike behavior and a need to "have the last laugh." While these episodes tend to end in the scab being mocked, bullied, and eventual re-treatment back into their cave; also known as Rainbow Six Siege, some scabs have actually taken their own lives. This was the result of the infamous 2018 'argument' between the famous DDan and the sad preubescent scab Outback.
Whats going on over there? Oh it's just a prepubescent scab arguing with some kid over how they died in Fortnite.
by DDDaaannn March 30, 2018
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