A short phrase that sounds funny, yet has no true meaning
Person 1: Lesboobonic Plague
Person 2: HAHAHA
by heekelninkerpuss February 3, 2011
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any being or entite that annoys, leads to your contraction of the plauge, or party-boys you .
by Richard Goad March 23, 2005
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A crude weapon constructed by shitting in a pillow case.
Jessica turned me down for prom so I beat her with a plague flail
by 14kkk88 December 2, 2018
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A shopping bag full of used tissues that someone who is sick would fill.
Please throw that plague bag away and just fill a new one, I understand you're sick and yes, I know you're miserable but I feel that you're cultivating a science project that won't get you extra credit with the teacher.

-Yardy to Cash probably, Good. Better. Quest!
by 2xTyler September 7, 2022
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An indie rap group composed of young teenage rappers, notably Casper/Kasper (theGhost), Unonimus, and Lotus.
Did you check out that new Economical Plague song? It was fire.
by ECP#1FanPlaguedIndividual December 7, 2012
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Referencing events or happenings of the black plague to make a point contextual to people's actions in current times

The term rat-licker was 'plague-arized' to demonstrate how not wearing a mask during covid 19 is akin to licking rats during the bubonic plague.
by onionknight September 17, 2020
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Is the feeling of having the flu, strep throat, and laryngitis while feeling completely fatigued with every joint and every muscle aching. You also may feel like you're recovering from hypothermia from spending hours in cold.
I have haunters plague from scaring people in a haunted house.
by Batsandghosts October 3, 2022
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