She’s the best person in the world, and she’s so cool. All of the guys want her. She’s creative, fun and very nice. A little bit to nice so she needs to look out for that
Wow Sara Roos is so cool and nice.
by Pipinakoeka November 24, 2021
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K-roo loves crystal meth and crack cocaine. Nuff said
K-roo really needs to get her life together.
by Katherine Heath July 15, 2017
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What you say when you get a confirmed kill with a mozzie drone on r6!!!
R: I have downed him on stairs come finish him off
J: (Shoots drone and gets kill) He’s just got Roo Roo Kachu !!

M: (Still can’t aim)

T: (Rages)
by Clingo July 16, 2021
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Shaggy: "Boy, all that investigatin' has made me hungry - how about a Scooby Snack?"
Scooby-Doo: "Re roo!"
by Robo Jojo April 16, 2022
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When something gets you totally worked up, when in reality it turns out to be no big deal.
My boyfriend came home from work late, and I was sure he was dead or cheating on me, or both - but turns out he just went to the store… got myself into a pussy monk-a-roo for nothing.
by Handymanlady September 11, 2023
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An extended form of "shucks." Used as a substitute word for "bummer." Usually an exclamation expressing regret or disappointment in a non-serious way, so as to make the person you're talking to think that you actually care.
Bill: "Man, I just found out that I have a huge homework assignment due tomorrow."
Sally: "Awe, shucker-roos! That blows! Good think I'm not in that class."
Bill: "I know, I think my teacher is queer."
Sally: "Probably."
by wordelicious April 27, 2009
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non existant person whose meaning references feeling like shit
work isnt an option today i feel like doo doo la roo
by pooptooth#1 September 19, 2012
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