When you like girls named Sarah that do track
I’m actually Sarah Sexual, not gay.
by Usheuehehe June 11, 2021
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A Gay Person who has Sexual relations with the Opposite sex but only emotionally connects to the same sex.
Jason: Yo I fucked this chick yesterday at the party, shit was Crazy
Mike: Dude, aren’t u gay?
Jason: Nah I’m a Hometero
Mike: A Hoe-met a what???
Jason: Lmao, Hometero-Sexual, basically I’m sexually Bi but I only Date or have relationships with guys
Mike: Ohhhhh, niceeee, so ab that chick???👀👀
by Korisko August 22, 2019
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The commonly used word between people who are Xero Sexual
1. Having agreeable with the fact that Xero is a vibe.
2. Xero slays.
“Omg…. I’m xero sexual
“Same tbh
by Imxerosexual June 22, 2022
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When people think Xero absolutely slays.
@d34d.d3m0n - insta
Created by @alicefoxx.insta - insta
I’m Xero Sexual
“Same tbh
by Imxerosexual June 22, 2022
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‘Keira sexual’ is the attraction to grass
Keira is ‘Keira sexual’.”

“Wait she attracted to grass!”
by The grass queen July 15, 2021
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The religion of having sex every day, usually being gay.
Me and that hottie over there are a sexualism. His dick is large ;))
by chicken nugget <3 October 25, 2018
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Being in Love or having a attraction to Mike Wheeler from " Stranger Things"
Kelly: I am in love with Mike from stranger things
Joe: You are a Mike Sexual!!
by Mikelover...st July 19, 2021
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