love means Legs Open Very Easy
ma friend loved the boy last night
by bv239 September 22, 2007
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love is fucking bullshit, don't ever fall in love you WILL get your heart broken
by Anonymoussssssss June 26, 2017
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when all you can think, speak, dream, or talk about is that one person.
when, before you met them, you cared about nothing but yourself, but after this person, you dont give a damn about your own feelings, as long as he/she is happy.

where when your friends ask you what's going on and all you can come up with is about how your relationship is going.

where he/she is your everything, literally.
with out them you couldn't live, breathe, think, eat, or speak ever again.
where is you lost them, your complete world would turn upside down.

and the great thing about love is that its contageous, and if you lvoe someone, they love you just the same

my God, i love this girl and without her i'd be helpless, worthless and useless
by thexweddingxparty September 10, 2008
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"i'm in love."

uh, no, you're not, you stupid whore.
by luhh. January 26, 2011
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it like a party your walking by in the rain that your not invited to and you want get in. When you are in love you want to get out because you want to visit other parties
Man i need to get out of this shit love is shit
by Huntdogg March 14, 2006
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