Someone who is pushed to do crime to preserve tbemsel or a community
Bonqueque and Bartholomew were childhood freinds. Although they were poor. They were fired from their job and now they are going to die from thirst or hunger. So they both agreed to steal stuff and stop as soon as they don't need to anymore. Bonqueque would steal food, clothes and other basic needs how ever Bartholomew would steal valuable things like chains, jewelry, etc. Bonqueque would go for the basic needs immediately however Bartholomew would go for the jewels to have reserve money in case there's no more basic needs. Both are honest criminals but one is scared while the other one is careful
by Swordhero March 23, 2023
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Somehow finding a way to be the only one killed by an Overwatch ultimate
Man that junk rat popped ult and only got our baptiste. Guess he was pulling a criminal
by Demoncryz December 8, 2022
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One who is so deviant in nature mentally that they go above and beyond the normally accepted practice of a poop joke for example taking a shit in a drawer that does not belong to said person then lying in wait for that sour reaction. These folks take it to a level that is just wrong. One example being that fast food worker who dumps into a bag just to pocket it into work for the secret sauce. Also those who perform deviated sexual practice's
Like a shit blister,mudslide or a dirty Sanchez.
Deviant: Would you like some fries

with that burger. Sanchez:Hey I'm filling up a rubber now I feel kinda sick ask my girl friend with the mustache. Deviant:um ok if you quit taking a shit into a condom in front of me they are on the house. Sanchez:mind your own me and my bitch are going to crazy town this evening I heard they have midget wrestling tournament there tonight. I just got out of jail for my poop crimes and am considered to be a poop criminal. Hurry up!
by The old world urban dictionary November 1, 2020
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Refers to the small length or size of something, which is "short" to the point where it can be punished by the law.
"...dude, I mean, you're short but not like criminally short..."

"All pop nowadays are criminally short".
by santgozpt April 13, 2018
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You cant go in the place with the shit that you wanna take but you can get in there and usually the choice that gets picked is to hop in and take that shit.
Is this criminalism??
by Ak40Xan October 12, 2019
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What Michael Jackson called "little Michael". What he fantasised about doing, but couldn't. Read the lyrics of the song - he wouldn't keep asking if Annie was okay (Oakley?) if she were dead, now would he?
Jenny: I was hit by a Smooth Criminal last night.
Sally: I thought you were walking funny today.
by Cool4Katz April 14, 2023
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An idea created (after finding out that God never wanted us to be the same) by an unknown individual to bring all of us into one big happy club and follow the doctrine of Portion Controlled Servings, where if someone committed a crime (made easier by newly-invented laws created by legislators for the Governments of the World), they would find themselves within the same group as the President, industrialists, clerical big shots, and anyone who happened to subconsciously commit a crime.

Total Criminalization was based on the principle that if everyone became a crook, they would all be uniform to a certain extent in the overseeing eyes of The Law. Basically: if everyone commits a crime, then they're all equal.
"TOTAL CRIMINALIZATION was the greatest idea of its time and was vastly popular, except with those people who didn't want to be crooks or outlaws. So, of course, they had to be tricked into it, which is one of the reasons why music was eventually made illegal."
by Nakris-2 October 23, 2023
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