Untalented country douchebag who saw a vast untapped market in making CDs full of songs exploiting American troops and advocating extreme nationalism and selling them to uninformed, educated assholes who incorrectly equate patriotism with jingoism and unquestionable loyalty to the Bush administration.

After finding out that being a shill for the Bush administration made him more money than doing commercials for Ford trucks and 10-10-220 he recorded even more such songs, becoming even more of a sellout than he was before that time. He also shot his mouth off with unwarranted and unwelcome comments about the Dixie Chicks, who are better Americans and better patriots than he could ever think of becoming.
Toby Keith is a loudmouthed, ingorant piece of shit.
by Samurai Sam September 18, 2006
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hey ya'll, waatch mee steeck theeis lizard skein boot up ma' ass.
by yo_daddy March 23, 2005
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Yet another overpatriotic asshole who's just cashing in on 9/11 like the rest of the country music industry
by Sgt. Pepper May 11, 2005
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Toby Keith is a country music star. He is very famous. He is also an idiot. Like most xenophobic red neck assholes he is cashing in on the horrible tragedies currently involving the United States of America and militant and radical Islam. If Toby really felt the way in which he sings he would not cash in on the death of American soldiers in Iraq. If Toby was really pro-American Soldier he would be advocating their return.
Child: Mother, I love Toby Keith!
Mother: Blasphemy! Why do you say that?
Child: Because he is willing to die defending the good ol' US of A.
Mother: Really? Then why isn't he in Iraq right now "defending" our rights instead of cashing in on American idiots?
Mother: Exactly you dipshit
by Negro Sandia August 2, 2005
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meaning, the ghost in paranomal activity.
damn why can't we see Toby in the dark?
because he's Toby the Nigg
where did Toby go?

he's right behind you but you can't see him cos hes a nigg bro.
by Annie BooBoo October 26, 2011
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Cutting your penis off in pizza hut and using it as a topping
Dude that guy is just pulling a toby

Yeah but his topping looks gooood
by Viperish Fall May 14, 2008
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To take your flaccid penis otherwise known as your "willie" and smack someone with it. The most highly prized Toby Tanking is across the face and as a surprise. It is played as a game akin to tag. More common in overly masculine homo-erotic circles of men.
Did you see me Toby Tank Campbell yesterday? It was the smack heard round the room.


A: What happened to you?
B: I Toby Tanked your cat while it was napping on your desk.
A: Awe No.
B: Aye, it was a shit idea.
by Ruaraidh the Slow December 14, 2009
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