verb (used without object)
to act in a manner so vile while attempting to forward one's cause/interests that one only succeeds in engendering feelings within the general populace/audience that are opposed to one’s cause/interests.

Passed: Phelpsed

Origin: From Fred Phelps, an anti-LGBT activist whose methods were so vile they engendered feelings within the general populace in favor of the LGBT cause.
The anarchists phelpsed when they burned down the orphanage. The Trump supporters phelpsed when they stormed the Capitol.
by Cloud Cat January 16, 2021
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to destroy in an Olympic medal-worthy way.
The US basketball team is phelpsing the competition right now.
I straight phelpsed that kitty kat last night. Oh wait, this is her calling me now. . .
by Dizastaa August 11, 2012
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to swim; you no longer swim you phelp. Michael Phelps was just amazing in the Olympics.
by bobbyk99 September 5, 2008
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The act of putting a swimming cap on one's head and divin head first into some monster tang. Named after the part time Olympic swimmer, full time sex crazed maniac, Michael Phelps. Goggles are optional, but highly recommended.
Just remember, always heat up the pool before you Dirty Phelps.
by Peter Picklepecker February 2, 2013
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