When someone watching you play Minecraft questions all of your decisions and tells you how they think you should be playing.
Jordan is always backseat mining me, every time I play it's just, "cobblestone this" or, "you should have used that"
by WiggleFest July 10, 2014
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When three people are riding in a car and the person in the backseat simultaneaously jacks off the two guys in front. The person in the backseat could be either male or female.
Bro what’s taking them so long? It’s only a five minute drive!

They’re probably doing the backseat skiier
by Backseatskiier123567 May 2, 2018
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A backseat worker is someone who is telling you how to do your job when. They can't do their own job
Are you really hovering over me and backseat working rn
by krackdaddyg September 12, 2021
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Someone waiting for you to dump your shitty boyfriend so they can treat you better
Ryan has been such an awful partner lately, I think you need a backseat boyfriend
by Caytain January 6, 2022
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The backseat is usually for little kids, immature teens and drunk adults. The backseat is for party's, arguments and socializing and sometimes sex. All around the backseat can be a great place especially on school buses.
Guy 1: let's get to the backseat

Guy 2: yeah I need to show something

Girl: want to see my boobs

by TheMemeGod July 25, 2017
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While in the back of a car (any even a videogame) posting hentai/r34 to a discord server.
Joakim: Ok im backseating right now.
Geir: Wait, why now?
by k00le August 4, 2022
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Having intercourse in the back of a car where the female is bent over the back seat
I banged Abbie in the back seat yesterday, gave her a full backseat bender treatment.
by Daniel Allen Bitches February 29, 2016
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