raishad's husband
omg he is axel
by Auriell Raishad January 18, 2018
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The name Axel is pretty damn gay

Speaking from personal experience.
-Hi, what's your name?
-Ah, so ur gay lol bye
by indianphart February 17, 2019
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Axel is an Sexy , handsome and cool guy who likes drugs and he likes to fart. IF your name is Axel you are a lucky motherfucker.
You are just like an Axel.
by Lilla horan December 12, 2016
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Axel is A Sexy, handsome drugdealer who likes Anteaters. IF your name is Axel your A lucky motherfucker.
you are just like Axel
by Lilla horan December 12, 2016
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Axel is The most fattest kid in the universe. Even when the axels go on a diet, they gain more instead. Axel are usually simps who like girls with initials A such as Alice, Anna, Alyna, Angelina, Addison, etc. But even though he has all those negative prospects, axels are really nice, caring and fun. However, he will probably be a virgin afterdeath
Axel is such a simp.....

axel is so kind
by bob the wheeler October 21, 2020
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A very gay kid who's in love with his best friend Kaiser Cain, he's ass at every game and everything he touches and should uninstall xbox
Omg look it's axel
I heard his best friend is kaiser
by qllllllllll May 28, 2020
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One of the sweetest people you’ll meet. Probably has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and wears glasses, he has broken humor and is really affectionate. he gets all the bitches (IF UR READING THIS ILYSM <333)
Person: That guy is so cool!
Person2: He’s probably an axel.
by yew knee May 13, 2022
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