the name Aubrey is a girl's name of French, English origin meaning "elf ruler"

aubrey is a really pretty girl, if you know a person like aubrey, you know they're a keeper

they instantly make you happy, everything about her is perfect, her eyes are pretty, the way she smiles brightens my day, she is the moon to my sun, she is my lover <333
"who's someone that makes you want to get up everyday?"

"it's aubrey ofc<33"
by ashley<333 July 22, 2021
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A short midget who thinks she's a loan shark but isnt.
by Jace71537182 October 3, 2023
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Tries to be nice but fails miserably and she can be a huge bitch. She’s very annoying, and she wants to be cool but everybody knows that she’ll never be.
Girl: “Eww did you see that new girl?”

Girl 2: “yeah her name is Aubrey. In Language arts she cried for attention.”
by Teasksksksk April 21, 2019
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Someone who is soooo so so awesome and amazing and super cool and swag and you reallllly like them a whole lot like so so many so much they’re so cool and you love to be with them. Yep.
Dude do you know aubrey?
Yeah she’s sooo cool and I really like her a lot
by Hi Aub December 28, 2022
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Aubrey is a friend you never want to lose. once you find her, never left go. she will be your ride and die through life. she is the sizzle to your soda. she won't let anything happen to you, she has the prettiest eyes and smile. she will never let you go, so never let her go. aubrey is the best person to in your life. if you never find one, you're not living life right. - Macy
boy: who who's that?!
girl: that's my best friend, aubrey
boy: she's so pretty
by itsurbestie August 28, 2022
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Aubrey is the most beautiful person in the whole wide world. She is funny, athletic, and a bit boy crazy. All boys need an Aubrey. She likes everything to be organized and she is always the teachers favorite.
Person 1- did you hear that Aubrey is the homecoming queen?
Person 2- well no duh, she is gorgeous and very nice. Everyone voted for her
by Alake2710 January 6, 2022
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