Daritza Martinez is a very unique and kind person,very beautiful,intelligent sweet hearted human being and an one and only. Goofy,crazy, Cute, and rare.
"Daritza Martinez! Is that you!?".
by By The technology; Google January 5, 2019
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The most important girl in my life and I would do anything in the world to see her happy.
I really love Wendy Martinez
by Tjc104 October 18, 2021
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If you have this name we here at urban dictionary are very sorry for you. Mariana Martinez is a person who will most likely choke you out for fucking existing. people usually shove her into a locker like she was a piece of meat hitting a cutting board. This person will usually look like a wet piece of moldy sausage. If you know a person with this name shove her into a wall like a fucking sack of potatoes
boy1: Hey look it’s Mariana Martinez

boy2: yeah you wanna fucking punt her across the hallway

boy1: you know it

Mariana Martinez: hey guys how are you

*gets kicked across the hallway*
by cheesy bacon October 17, 2019
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The act of applying a commercial grade adhesive to ones upper lip and then subsequently having that individual perform fellatio after not man-scaping for several months.
"OMG Becky you need to wax your mustache, it looks like Chad gave you a Hairy Martinez last night."
by Deputy Derp June 25, 2019
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