The chest of a fat male that resembles a woman's breasts. AKA manboobs
Look at Sam's yammies! They jiggle when he runs!!
by nolabelrequired1 April 14, 2006
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A person of interest that is willing and ready to sleep with you with no strings attached. Usually referred to young shapley women or older in shape men (yams), or the opposite of what you usually date and have sex with. Also known as a bust it baby or a jump off.
Me and Mario are on our way to pick up some yammies at the mall. They better be ready to bust it.
by Suprianni October 4, 2011
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A derogitory term for a jewish individual.
Hey, that yammi just stole my penny!
by apocphaZe July 6, 2006
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1. When you get so drunk that you can't feel feelings anymore
2. When you shit yourself, pee yourself, throw up on yourself, and cum on yourself at the same time.
1. I was so yammied last night that I had sex with a stack of pancakes
by simbathatbitch April 23, 2009
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shannon pulled his yammi out of his anus and he got cancer.
by rawchode March 2, 2003
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The act of an orthodox jew ejactulating into his vacant yamika and then surprising his mate with a facefull of a male ejactulate.
by frmk July 27, 2008
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