When you place your dick in a hard taco shell, cover it with hot sauce, and then jam it into your partner forcefully causing the shell to explode into a hundred pieces. The hot sauce in combination with the razor sharp tortilla fragments will cause your partner to let out a high pitched squeal.
My girl loves a good mexican squealer bro. Not only does she like the hottest hot sauce, she also likes diced jalapeños on top so her panucha burns for days!
by LecheKing May 31, 2022
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Squealers law purchasing a political underling, to stand at the despatch box and take all the shit.
oh,,ok,,yaah Squealers Law quite! why buy a libdem and bark ones self
by lighterfuel May 26, 2010
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A squealer is someone who 'rats', 'tattles', or 'snitches' on someone.
person 1: How'd you get caught?

Person 2: ______ is a squealer man, they snitched.
by Av Bu February 21, 2023
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1) Character from George Orwell's "Animal Farm", an articulate far-left propagandist.

2) The Guardian columnist, Owen Jones.
I see that Squealer is instigating another Twitter pile-on today.
by bd15648 August 9, 2021
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A shit that contains multiple loud farts
When I was at the rest area, someone was taking a squealer shit.
by Jacksoncage April 14, 2022
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