The amount of inner ninja possessed by an individual.
That guy has so much ninjaness hes almost like Chuck Noris
by w00000000000t December 21, 2005
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A group (ninjas) or single person (ninja) that is trained in the martial arts. They are the coolest thing on the planet and live in competition with pirates.
Ninjas are so cool that I flipped out, kicked my mom in the face and crapped my pants all in one motion.
by MistahTom November 2, 2005
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A better N word to use for your boys instead of the nigga word!!!
Bonzi: yo you know Ollie from Dallas
Quinn" Ya thats my ninja!!

by B0NZI June 23, 2007
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Someone who can never be seen. Ever. Ninjas do not show up in photographs.
e.g "That guy is a ninja"
"What guy?"
"...I don't know. Where'd he go?"
by AwesomeMccooooooooool December 5, 2009
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A non-word used by people who don't know that:
1. There are no plurals in Japanese and
2. Pluralizing Japanese nouns makes them sound like verbs.
Wrong: Ninjas are always fighting.

Right: There are about 8 ninja surrounding us.
by Zhaleskra March 10, 2007
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A word used to avoid using the word nigga.
WTF are they doing, them ninjas is crazy!
by LittleDintheD April 1, 2007
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Ninja is a coded word whites use say black person so we don't say nigger it's a little to racist to say nigger and it can get your ass whooped especially In jail or the hood ninja sounds almost like nigger and all whites seem like the automatically know that it means a black person and it's better to say and it will keep you from getting your ass whooped in the hood or jail
Hey Ashley you see that ninja over their or man we gotta get outta here to many ninjas it's darker than Blair witchs dress in here
by Conan aaron May 10, 2022
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