The greatest human that God has ever created.
More handsome than a greek god, can dance heavenly, has a voice that's deeper than the ocean but can also turn into a cute little baby (never let the duality of this man fool you)
In conclusion, stan Kim Taehyung, stan talent.
Zeus kneeled down and asked Taehyung to take control of the Mount Olympus
by innerchild March 17, 2020
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A gorgeous man who has a sexy deep voice and will destroy your Bias list.

A girl who’s Bias is Taehyung from BTS will be protective and will fight you for him.
Girl 1: Taehyung is my Bias, and I love him so much.
Girl 2: Aw, I love Taehyung a well!
Girl 1: You better not have him as your Bias or I will fight you for him.
by TaehyungWife October 26, 2019
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taehyungism is the religion of taehyung. if you believe in taehyung supremacy, taehyungism is your religion.
“Wow! I didn’t know god existed . NOW I BELIEVE IN TAEHYUNGISM!!”
by lejindarybts January 14, 2021
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Kim Taehyung is a vocalist and visual in BTS (Behind the Scene) a korean music group. He is on of 7 members and is extremely attractive. He is extremely artistically inclined though he causes secondhand embarrassment constantly. A very nice man will go far in life
Army 1: did you hear about Taehyung liking girl's feet who likes feet he has a foot fetish confirmed
Army 2: Let's just add that to him being a furry
by literalegg February 16, 2018
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An alien who is bipolar. His sexiness could kill millions of girls at one time.
by namjoonie December 29, 2017
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Also known as Kim Taehyung or V, he is a member of the worldwide famous boy-band called BTS. His roles in the group are: Lead Dancer, Vocalist, and Visual. Also has a deep voice that will instantly put him on your bias list.
“Have you seen Kim Taehyung? He is amazing!”

“I know! I love him so much! He is very talented.”
by Levi Nye October 13, 2019
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He has face of an angel, the heart of a deity (most of the time--- but put him in a room with his bandmates and you won't see how the deity could have been there in the first place), and owns the most ethereal voice in this world... he's one of the most LOVED people to ever exist and he earned every bit of it.


-He's goddamn talented. He is an aesthetic songwriter, good at producing music, sings with all his passion, dances FOR THE PEOPLE, and does photography on the side (the pictures are beautiful... BEAUTIFUL..).. and he's an aspiring model with striking personality in front of the camera that makes other models thank the almighty that he chose to join BTS and didn't debut as a model.

-If you explore him... you'll fall in love with him. I guarantee it. It's not even just the handsome face, it's the HIM. THE PACKAGE DEAL. How much he'll love the members and his fans.... you can tell it's passionate.

and i feel like I missed out on this specific information:
'He's a member of BTS'
ARMYS: "Did I mention that I love Taehyung more than the entire length of the universe?"
Locals: *YES*
K-poppies: ...."yes"

EVERYONE'S WIVES: *cough* "me too" *cough*
by it'smeyournightmare February 12, 2021
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