Fergie (BOOM BOOM POW 2009): Them chicks be jackin my syle, they try and copy my swagga"
by SwaggaJacka April 27, 2009
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1. The way you present yourself to society. Your style, or attitude.

2. A completely appalling stench radiating out of a hygienically neglected vagina.
(1.) "DAYUMMM.... Look at that nukkuh's swagga!

(2.) Guy 1: So, at that party last night, I got down with Christina.
Guy 2: And? You tap that?
Guy 1: Nah man, once I got her pants of, I was knocked back across the room by her insane swagga.
Guy 2: That's really fucking disgusting.
by Blkthrne April 20, 2010
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ain't no other swagga like a Michael Stevens swagga cause the Michael Stevens swagga don't stop!
doing the cupid shuffel dance with swagga

the Stevens walk ( with swagga)

low motion got Swagga

owning a Honda means u have swagga... (somtimes)

being a Stevens means u got swagga

Being a friend of a Stevens mean u defiantly have swagga
by crazy girl anb July 15, 2009
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AYE MAN .... u messin up my SWAGGA!!!
by ~LoveyMa~ December 4, 2005
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the two coolest pimps who can only be described as "money". you mess with swaggas, you get swaggas.
Person 1: Woah, did you see Molly and Emily?

Person 2:Swaggas!

Molly and Emily: We are swaggas
by Molly and Emily January 3, 2009
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Descending from the word Swagger, can mean-
1. A person's large Love Stick

2. A random comment after not caring to
what the other person was saying.
1. Lisa, did you bench press Louis's swagga last night?

2. Principal Waite: We are enforcing zero tolerance on headbands and the pokemonz and the gameboys. Any questions?
Jareth: Swagga?
by Jareth Santiago April 26, 2005
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one's swagga is beyond comparison to all others and has reached a point where it makes no sense.
that nigga on another level, his swagga stupid.
by capmic2 May 27, 2010
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