a phrase coined by the satirical news site The Onion used to describe the inane, annoying and repulsive products of modern consumer culture, such as Mind of Mencia,Perez Hilton, and The Jonas Brothers. Incredibly stupid shit can be found anywhere, but is especially abundant in reality TV shows, celebrity-oriented websites, and the self-help section of bookstores.
Fool: "I just saw Oprah talking about something called The Secret where all you have to do to make things happen is wish them into existence!"

Non-fool: "Why do you waste your time with that incredibly stupid shit?"
by S. Dure September 2, 2008
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When someone like a Zenash does some stupid fucker guy shit.
“Yo you like my wall Zenash? I think it looks dope as fuck

Zenash: “ nah, it looks like white trash
Zenash is a stupid piece of shit
by @yemi September 7, 2019
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A stupid piece of shit that doesn't even fucking work that you just wasted your time, money and effort on.

Physical Examples include:
-Basically every electronic known to man
"God damnit this stupid piece of shit doesn't even fucking work!"
"Why the fuck is this shit not working?!"
"Stupid piece of shit!"
"Doesn't even fucking work..."
"Stupid piece of shit that doesn't even fucking work!"
by Henrey S July 4, 2020
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the most vulgar term that can cause 9.0 earthquakes across the world
omg who dropped their hotdog?
what the frick frack dick slap pussy ass buttcrack lackback stupidass cupid last cast best ass less bass is this stupid shit
boy watch your mouth before i frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac out of you!!
by fuckitimgoingtohell September 24, 2021
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