Shallow people only care about what you look like. They could give a shit less about you on an emotional level.

::Andy is the new guy in town::

Jake: "I really don't know who Andy is.. He seems cool, but who cares about that. I could care less if he's going through a hard time or not.. He's a good looking cat though and I'm just worried about having a decent looking wingman."

Tony: "Yea, I have no idea if he's doing good right now or not.. Hopefully his image will attract hott chics. Don't you just love being shallow?"

Jake: "Yea, for sure. I also like being a prick to everyone, including my girlfriend"
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1. Concerned with surface attributes only.

2. One of several adjectives that perfectly describes a yuppie or a soccer mom. See also vulgar, annoying, and arrogant.
Macgregor is a shallow soccer mom.
by Bumkicker Slade April 30, 2005
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Morons who only like people because they're hot. They don't bother to actually get to know them.
Guy #1: Hal, lemme ask you something. Are you so shallow that you'd rather date a girl missing one breast than half a brain?
Guy #2: Ooh...toughie. Well, how's the remaining breast? Is it big?
by Elizabeth Bennett March 25, 2006
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a person who likes someone just because of their looks.
"Yanira Saenzpardo is so shallow she didnt go out wit that guy because he dropped his milk"
by Jael January 14, 2006
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Some say a person is shallow because they judge a person on looks and not their personality when looking for a mate, however that is bull because there is nobody in the world who dates somebody who they deem unattractive but with a great personality, or at least, not for long. Not many people consider some people have a great personality and are really nice because they are unattractive and have to put more effort in for love and acceptance, not simply because they truly are just so funny and nice. If a person is SHALLOW in terms of how things really are, then they pick on the slightest imperfections of people expecting a person to be perfect and becoming critical about standards that shouldn't be incredibly high in certain, given aspects.
"Its good that sally is a model, but she needs to cover up her toes, they are all bent and gross."
"Man you are so ridiculously shallow."
by Cowfetus June 24, 2009
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Shallow-somone who judges a person by appearance...someone who can't see art or creativity or nature...most preps/chavs are shallow
Y'know, if your shallowness gets anymore thorough it'll have depth...
by adam March 28, 2005
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an idiot who likes someone only for their looks.
that girl is really shallow
by misskitty23 March 1, 2015
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