Originally said by rapper Blasfemus, this pronounciation of the word ridiculous describes something that is at the top level of greatness, insanity, or beauty.
"SHIT! Kobe be makin' basketz like one ridiculous motha fucka tonight!"
"DeShawn? Dat nigga is ridiculous! He tried to sell me an eight ball of coke for 200 dollaz."
"DAYUUM dat azz iz ridiculous! It's bigger than two basketballs!"
by Blaz May 21, 2006
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1. The particular property or aspect that makes something ridiculous.

2. A person who brings ridiculousness to a thing or situation.
1. I got an A+ on my assignment - and the ridiculizer is, I didn't even get the book out of the library, and my prof knows it.

2. Andy Huffley is the universal ridiculizer.
by D spaz June 10, 2008
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1. Something so absurd, stupid, ridiculous, and inaproppriate that it cannot in any form be taken seriosuly.

2. Geroge W Bush

3. Bear Strearns Stock Price
Eg 1
Guy 1: I think the US Stock Market is booming
Guy 2: Geez, your a nob because that is total Ridiculousness!

Eg 2
Guy 1: Hey dude you suck
Guy 2: Well your mum sucks and she's ridiculouness

by Pimpalicious Ice Dawg March 21, 2008
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when your boyfriend does something so unbelievable there are no other words to describe it
Girl: You just drove all the way over to my house in the middle of the night to give me a slurpee?! You're ridiculous.
by MrBlueMustang October 27, 2010
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An alternative word for style other than : fly, ghetto fabulous, The Shiznit, iced-out, etc.

A person's style that's ridiculous is "fly".
My style is off the chain ridiculous cuz I roll like dat!
by Thegirl March 27, 2007
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