by Centurion Jhon July 6, 2014
A house or apartment where a separated or divorced guy goes to relax and unwind. The dwelling contains most (if not all) of his stuff. A getaway place similar to a man cave.
by yes juanito yes June 14, 2015
by Chris Dogg May 16, 2006
by markiplier says "E" May 19, 2018
When go somewhere and everyone at the location is a couple. There are no single people. Not a good time unless you are one of the couples. Usually an awkward situation for anyone who is single.
The party was off the hook for a while then everyone left and it turned into couple's retreat. Let's go to another party to find some chicks.
by Pedro4 September 15, 2010
by dat clever boi February 1, 2018
A corporate team building excersise designed to foster better staff releations, and improve communication. Usually an overnight or weekend event. Traditional fuelled by alcohol and bed hoping.
by Moral officer October 2, 2015