The act of threatening to hurt, or ravine, a person. Basically the threat of putting someone into a ravine in a hurtful way. This is a phrase commonly used by an angry person who intends to do harm to another much nicer well tempered person.

To destroy and ruin someone. This can either be in a physical fight, or in a sexual rapey Bill Cosby sort of way. To be ravined is to be stripped of all humanity and be left homeless and beaten to shit.
Trevor threatened to ravine me because I called him fat.

I was going to ravine Trevor's mom when she wouldn't let me give her an Alabama Hot Pocket.
by mrsandmanlabguy January 27, 2017
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Beautiful brown haired, green eyed girl. She is extremely outgrowing and loves to laugh. She is very athletic and loves to be active.
Ravin loves to play sports.
by Yvettey ugc February 9, 2016
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The name Ravin is for men not woman!

Ravin’ Personality is caring, hilarious, crazy, strong, good looking, chill, athletic and loves to meet new people.

Ravin is a keeper but when the relationship ends then Ravin loves to go around and hook around.
Yo man, Ravin you fucking crazy man!
Ravin, I died of laughing
by Anonym1312 October 9, 2018
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A someone that can’t keep there nose out of other people’s business, yet that is so lost in other people’s drama she has to butt in and ruin someones life just to make her feel better RAVIN probably didn’t have anything when she was young she got treated like shit so now that she has kids she makes there life’s the same life she had as she was a child .
Uh oh it’s ravin let’s leave she’s a bitch
Person: yeah she is a bitch
by Ski digger September 10, 2019
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The act of a man grinding his penis back and forth on a woman's pelvis, stomach or buttcrack. This is a method of gratification used when penetration is not allowed for any number of reasons.
I'm so tired of the French Ravine! I've got to find someone more appropriately . . . I don't know, kinda dirty or something.
by Moralizer April 24, 2010
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A surreally seductive and beautiful location where many potentially breathtaking selfies have sadly never been sent to anyone due to the fact that the heroic selfie seekers had slid unexpectedly and precipitously to their deaths, tumbling to the savage bottom of this steep and slippery ravine.
It was a truly horrific tragedy, after the Labor Day weekend, we found at least fifteen Summer clothing-clad bodies still clutching their shattered cellphones at the bottom of Selfie Ravine.
by Dr Bunnygirl September 6, 2019
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a man’s abs that show the V leading to his penis
Check out that guys abs he had a penis ravine.
by belowdeck March 1, 2020
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