This is a game invented by Josh & Kyle.

wut you need:

1. you need 1 superball
2. you need at least 2 players
3. you need 1 couch
4. you need a room to play in


1. no player at anytime may leave his/her knees
2. put the couch about three feet from the wall, parralel to the wall
3. throw the superball as hard as you can at the wall making sure to clear the couch
4. the object is to be the one to get the ball back, so you can throw it at the wall and domerock the other person.
5. most important rule, it is maditory to eat a butterfinger powerbar and drink a coke before starting any game of "supperball off the wall"
6. this game could get very expensive, make sure to clear the room before playing
"wanna play superball off the wall?"
by pedro February 17, 2005
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humpty dumpty fell off the wall a dirty nursery rime inspired by the original humpty dumpty nursery rime
humpty dumpty fell off the wall cause a ho on the ave was suckin his balls all the kings men and all the kings horses couldnt put that fat motherfucker back together again
by littlejimmie July 19, 2019
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A person, place, or thing that is mindblowingly awesome to the point where it is Hella Fucking Balls-off-the-Wall Awesome. This type of intensity may cause someone and others around them to explode or spontaneously combust.
Daniels sunglasses where so Hella Fucking Balls-off-the-Wall Awesome him and his friends caught on fire then exploded causing the remains to fly in all different directions.
by Douche McGivens March 9, 2009
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Banging those sugar walls; rough sex; fucking, usually ending in a mess; there's really good sex, and then there's this.
Bro 1: "Did you see that kids mom? Man, I would beat the paint off of those walls."
Bro 2: "Oh my GOD!"
Bro 1: "What the heck was that for?"
Bro 2: "Yeah I guess I'd hit that, but you seem a little too excited..."
Bro 1: "Duh, cuz she's hot!"
by Major Bingus May 8, 2015
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When a notoriously hot chick is in the twilight of her hotness and about to pass over into mediocrity.
Pam Anderson was the ultimate hot snatch, but I saw her recently and she’s an inch off the wall.
by King of All Questions April 11, 2021
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