irc acronym, to show uber-friendliness in a non gay way.

NGH: None Gay Hug
dinsda1e gives pyro a NGH
by dinsda1e August 18, 2004
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NGH stands for

Sophia: I accidentally joined a lgbt club

Claire: NGH
by memebucky November 29, 2018
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this is something you say when your friend or aquaintence has either done or said something funny or has been own3d by someone and you want to rub it in. It can also be used to express surprise or admiration of a colleague or friend.

It is short for awww nigga and can be used instead of nigga if it is deemed too offensive a word.
DZL: My alternator got pwn3d by heat from the exhaust manifold!
PeeTar: Awww ngh you didn't win!
by peter clute August 28, 2006
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Stephen Stotch is a dilf, a bottom, and underated. And Stephen Stotch x Randy Marsh is best ship
Colt: hi love
Alex: "N- Ngh~.." Stephen moaned quietly and softly, as he felt Randy thrust deeper into him. "G- Gh– ahhh..~" He let out another small, soft whimper. He gripped the bedsheets tighter, his face red, and sweating. Stephandy. STEPHEN STOTCH x RANDY MARSH

Colt: I'm leaving you
Alex: I drew Stephen pregnant, breastfeeding me.
by Kxzzs October 20, 2023
Get the "N- Ngh~.." Stephen moaned quietly and softly, as he felt Randy thrust deeper into him. "G- Gh– ahhh..~" He let out another small, soft whimper. He gripped the bedsheets tighter, his face red, and sweating. Stephandy. STEPHEN STOTCH x RANDY MARSH mug.
It means "not gonna high". A synonym for gay
"You're so ngh"
by Mrmeow June 27, 2023
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Not gone hold!
Nah I’m telling you bra that mountain mikes pizza on high street be smack’N NGH shit hit every time!
by Sevenskkiittzz August 12, 2022
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A sound made by turkish females when a species called “vyal” is in their presence.
Vyal: “Hey-“
🇹🇷: “NGH
by h0denzerquetscher June 13, 2022
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