an evil little red thing that likes to land on you and poop on you, laugh and fly away.
Ahh... look at the cute ladybug on my hand. OH SHITT!!!
by shorty with shades December 9, 2008
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Scary red bugs that will most likely take over the world
“Ahhhh the ladybugs are coming! I knew it and you all doubted me”
by Hottywiddabody June 7, 2018
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When a tampon fills to capacity and starts to fall out; but you use your immense strength to suck it back in repeatedly.
Similar to "prairie-dogging" as with defecating, but with tampons.
Oh my god I need to go to the bathroom; I've been ladybugging for the last half hour.
by EmmaTheHut July 16, 2010
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A hooker that attracts flies and other insects.
"That girl last night was like a ladybug!"
by Dunkirk C. Badunkidunk November 9, 2018
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Some liquid crack, prominently sold in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco.
Slambu lets score some cocaine nah lets catch some ladybugs in the TL.
by Aczyk April 9, 2011
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