When a man takes a shit and then masterbates over the toilet until he comes on his shit.
Joe’s friend at work is pretty strange he got caught putting icing on the cake when he took his 10.
by SweetRee August 30, 2018
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an additional benefit to something which is already good.
Getting a car as a present at 18 was awesome; getting a Porsche was the icing on the cake.
by Irando Alves Martins August 21, 2011
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The final hit that sends you over the edge from pretty high to wrecked.
Guys, this next hit is really going to be the icing on the cake, we should probably head home soon... I hope my parents are asleep!
by giller cakes December 27, 2006
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The act of ejaculating on a woman’s face who wears excessive amounts of makeup.
by jcxdd September 24, 2019
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when a man has fucked woman very well and has finished her orgy before the man. the man then masturbates till he cums & puts the finishing touches on the woman's pussy.
my wife was satisfied but i had to put the icing on the cake.
by anony23 April 28, 2009
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