A really gay boy. A slang term for a gay boy or game boy who acts really gay.
That gay boy advance won't stop listening to Britney Spears and looking at guys.
by Andy March 21, 2005
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Well actually, a backlit version was released with a higher resolution screen, for all we know the first definition could have very well been referencing this model. Calling people names isn't a very affective way to get your point across, unless you're in kindergarten perhaps.
example of a person who gets overly rude and upset over nothing, like in this game boy advance SP post:

Guy1: My 2007 Powerbook g4 is great!
Rude Guy: omg! you stupid f***ing noob! the last powerbook was released in 2006! get you facts right fagot!
Guy2: dude, that was a little bit too harsh......
by medicus August 30, 2010
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When a person sticks his hands in a praying position and then rams it up another guy's ass. Derived from a legendary kid who did this while holding a game boy advance
Dude, Adam just got game boy advanced! Unluckily for Jim, he had previously shit himself.
by Mr. Bubbles January 15, 2007
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it has a bottom light .. not a backlight retard... look at it once at a downward angle... u'll see that the light is in the bottom of the screen
by Cory Dugolenski October 8, 2004
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A game where you try to win. Usually when you are away on a trip or not in your home town. The scoring is:
Eye Contact - 1
Smile - 2
Talk - 3
Hug - 5
Ask for your number - 10
Put their arm around you - 11
Picture with/of them - 15
Kiss on the cheek - 25
Kiss - 50
Hook Up (Makeout) - 100/you win
"Hey, lets play the boy game."
"I already started and got 15 points, these three guys were talking with me"
"OMG, were they cute?!?!"
"Hells yea, they wanted my number"
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“Straight boys” playing weird games that consists of being nude. Typically played in a locker room.
I slapped his dick while playing white boy games but its ok , I said “no homo
by Dondub November 7, 2019
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Commonly cited for section C paragraph 12, "it is unlawful for any fiancé, girlfriend, spouse or friend to deny time with the boys."
Sorry babe, the gaming with the boys act of 1996 prohibits me from spending time with you tonight.
by Rights for the boys May 14, 2021
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