is a short name for a specific part of city in Ohio,West Carrollton.West Carrollton, yet small, has two different sides. The good part and the bad part depending on which side of the railroad tracks your on. Or what side of Central Ave your on. Some parts are nice suburbs with nice yards and some parts are pretty trashy and full of crime that is mostly committed by the youth that lives in downtown "Dub C". It's one of those type of cities that everybody knows everybody. One good thing is if you know the right kind of crowd, They usually got your back. West Carrollton has a enemy and that is neighboring city,Miamisburg. Most people from Dub C hate Miamisburg for several reasons such as they're high school football team and they're white trash welfare mamas with black kids. West Carrollton's school systems really sucks. Don't move there if you want your kids to get a good education! All in all, if your looking for something to do on a Friday or Saturday night, you can't always go to one of the many nice bars that West Carrollton has. Just don't try to pick up any of West Carrollton's girls. The "Dub C" girls are usually good looking but will most likely be trying to hustle you for something and they only date West Carrollton guys so don't even try! They are also usually trying to fight other girls.
"Hey, I think that girl at the bar likes me!"

"Na man, That's a Dub C girl! She's playin you dog! haha Her man is probably outside waiting to kick your ass!"
by Dubcdude February 11, 2009
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1) a hipster who is aging but has never had a real job or any real financial assets. His hipsterness has not been created by daddy’s trust fund, as with most species of hipster, but rather has been formed by a general sense of laziness throughout his life. He skateboards alone. He is insecure, has no friends, and cannot keep a girlfriend, as his ultra negative and pretentious personality prevents him from becoming fully integrated into society. He has no credit, lame car, no money,and yet still has the sense of entitlement that most of these things should just come to him because he thinks he’s a fucking cool guy. He tends to spend all his time smoking, drinking and eating pizza.

2) a wannabe hipster manster with no credit
1) "who's that older man with the thick rimmed glasses, smelling of booze, trying to convince the urban outfitters salesperson to give him that t-shirt for half off? what a dub-c."
by Garbage Terminator December 4, 2007
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refers to west chester, OH. A small boring town just north of cincinnati OH where many rich white middle school and high school kids walk around with popped collars, jeans at their knees, and sideways trucker hats and hang out at the local theater thinking they are the shit. In reality the "dub c" is really just a boring town full of the ones we call wiggers.
**Throws football and almost hits middle school wigger**

"yo dawg, what the f**k u doin?"

"sorry about that"

"u best be sorry homie, me and my dawgs will run ur ass outta the dub c!"

**high school kids laugh at them**

**middle school wiggers get picked up by mommy in the family van**

**high school kids laugh harder**
by Kyle and collin May 31, 2005
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The abbreviated term for Wilmington College. Dub = “dubuha” C= “College”. A small private college in southwestern Ohio that has its finances and classes taught by liberals and the social aspects run by conservatives. It is rumored to have an extensive Greek life fueled by both the fact that the town is in the middle of nowhere and that the “proper authorities” (See Police) don’t give a fuck, cause they are either Greek alumni or have been bought mafia style. It has been frequented by people from the Natty (See Cincinnati) due to its extreme love of freedom and not giving two fucks. This has recently been a drawback due to the elevated crime and shenanigans that the Natty has associated with it. (See Slaves). Its more finer points include frats like “preppy” Blue Turkey, “don’t show up to the back porch without a fifth of jack and cowboy boots” Yellow bull, and a “Cause I got high” red fratstars.
"what goes on in Dub C on weekends?"

"I dunno, everyone either goes home on weekends or drinks like an alchoholic fish"
by TheBigBadBossMan May 23, 2012
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A badass mofo named Pooky who hails from Wilshire Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Stands for Pooky from Wilshire Center aka Dub C!
Black Man: Where you from and who you be?

P.W.C.: Bitch I'm Pooky from Dub-C. Call me P Dub-C.
by Spooky Pooky November 11, 2009
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