A person who shows signs of various types of autism on a daily basis
My friend tobey is quite the doob
by AssMaster009 June 4, 2023
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Short for dude with boobs.
A AFAB person who is unsure of gender and is happy to be call any and all pronouns at anytime..
Can be used as a nickname.
I am a Doobs.

Hi I'mDoobs
by Doobs145 November 2, 2023
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Dude, let's doob. This party is bunk.

Okay, I'm doobin now. I'll be there in 5.

We need to doob NOW. The cops are here!
by Bunny+Weenie February 11, 2011
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A highly irritated and distracted individual, characterised by stunted growth and romantic incompetence.
by Anonymous September 16, 2003
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A term which basically means sex. To get doob is to partake in sexual activity with someone. Doob can also be used to refer to the person your currently having sex with.
Did you get doob last night? Fuck yeah, so much doob!

She's my doob.
by nswsouthcoast April 13, 2011
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Word used to describe someone who's done something very dumb. Similar to "idiot" "ass" or "jerk," but still being dumb at the same time. Used mostly as adjective but can be a verb.
Wow, he's such a doob, he stood her up at the movies.

He really doobed it up at the party last night, I doubt she'll talk to him tomorrow.

You're a doob.
by truth6580 May 30, 2011
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