Losers who are to stupid to pass regular classes, hense the -tard part, so they go to B.O.C.E.S, hense the -bo part. Most of them are stoners and dont deserve to live.
Dude, you're going to B.O.C.E.S? you must be a botard!
by Botard hater August 3, 2005
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A retard from Boston (ie Red Sox fans)
Hey Varitek, fuck you! You fucking Botard!
by a-rod August 3, 2004
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(bow'-tahrd) contr. 1. A person who is on the borderline of being retarded, i.e. bo(rderline) (re)tard.
Anti-Fascism on Monster.com's VENT board is a real botard, but then again so are most of the others there.
by reorg September 4, 2003
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Botard is the word to describe someone who is a bogan and a retard. The bogan part is trashy, lower class, dirty, uneducated and the retard part is stupid, slow, irritating and annoying.
Dano: Oi Hamo stop picking ya nose ya bloody botard

Jenno: Aye Bart, knock knock?
Bartholomew: I don't have time for you, botard.

S: I'm cool
R: No you're a botard.
by Leafy94 January 8, 2011
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Bode Miller, or resembling the actions of Bode Miller.

I could not have failed more miserably in my attempts to succeed in the Olympic downhill events. I am a complete botard.

The botard's lack of focus resulted in poor performance.

I stupid. I are a botard.

by Pmyche March 2, 2006
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A derogatory term used as a form of retarded yet somewhat more retarded than usual. Word derived from the show "Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo" which was a show on cartoon network. If you look at the wiki on bo AKA (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo) you will most likely see why this term is used.
This movie is Botarded
by Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Expert November 4, 2010
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An word used strictly by homosexuals and/or tools, to take the place of the word "retard."
Mainly used as an insult when a gay person has run out of things to say about a straight person, therefore they result to using "Botard."
"Ugh! You're such a. such a.. BOTARD! Im just going to go up to my room and paint homo things and be gay and what not..."
by Ryan Da Pussy November 8, 2011
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