A cooter that is gunned out. A vagina that is of the loose state, one that which you can fit more than 4 digits in.
by justin cantwell May 3, 2004
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A vagina which looks very similar to two pieces of bacon jumping out of a breakfast burrito. NOT to be touched under any circumstances.
I wouldn't fuck that nasty roast beef with your dick and him pushing.
by kdeuce April 23, 2005
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The vaginal area of an Indian, African, Caribbean, Middle-Eastern or other dark-skinned lady, particularly one that you know has shaved her pussy.
Sean refused to flirt with the new office hottie Pridya, as he's not a fan of munching on roast beef.
by jpbookim May 13, 2012
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A "Roast" where you have "beef" with someone
Fam Imma bout to Roast beef the man you made fun of my mama
by Funnnyjoke May 10, 2018
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When a womens pussy is over-worked, has sex too much or pleasures herself all the time, causing her pussy lips to sag and look like roast beef. Kinda looks like beef u would get in a quiznos sub.
Damn, your moms pussy is so saggy, it looks like roast beef.
by Hardcore Fob February 15, 2007
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Loose Nasty ass pussy that is RED and RAW
i was getin a lap dance from Sarah and she put her nasty roast beef in my face
by Evan June 10, 2004
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