A very bad misspelling of the word always, found in the definition for Jake. I mean, seriously, it's not even a plural, just the word always!
Person 1 (in a letter): I will alway's love you James.
James: What the actual fuck. I'm going out with a fucking girl who can't even spell always? Fuck this relationship.
by lonelyboi07 June 15, 2020
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The depressed Persian tow-truck man's favorite line.
"It gets bad, then it gets worse, then it gets worse, then i fall 100,000 feet onto pile of razors, and i ask ""Why god?"" and he pours lemon juice on me. Always." - dpressed Persian tow-truck man.
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her: "I'll always wait for you!"
him: "Sweet. I'll be outa here in about 10 years."

other him: "So... your place, or mine?"
her: "yours, mine needs... cleaning"
by como January 27, 2005
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A extreamly useful and powerful word that is used in the English language. The ultimate positive answer and always will be.
Man 1: Are you playing sports again?
Man 2: Always
by Instant Noodles May 20, 2007
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Her olive juice attempt was the picture, right?

I just figured out a lot of things:). Lyle had purpose… to bring me a song

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.
Then the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again..
Even for those moments of rain,
When we feel washed out
The sun will soon shine:)

Also, figured out I need a new account. All these posts are a pain to go through…
806 will always get you there:)
by 4-u October 11, 2023
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Cheap. Jewish. Will do anything for money. Someone who wouldn't lend you a dime if you begged for it.
William is so always. I once saw him stealing pennies from the wishing well at the Mall.

Come on, $5 a cover, you always bastard.
by Rick aka Flames November 30, 2007
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