1.Candy that is streched like taffy, but harder and shorter.

2.can be sexual=A Man's Penis. Representing a small penis, unless stretched.
"I love air heads, they taste so good"
"I know! Best candy on EARTH!"

"I bet he has an air head for a Penis!"
"I like sucking on air heads"
by breezyboo123123 February 10, 2009
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Teenage girls who are very mainstream, and think they know all there is to know about, well, mainstream stuff. Develop crushes on musicians, actors, random guys very easily, and change crushes regularly.
These girls are usually found in groups of about 3 to 9, with a leader who usually has more influence over the other group members.
These girls can usually be convinced into anything, but will fight anyone who rejects what they believe in. These girls usually lose these fights.
Air Headed Teenage Girl- OMG Chris Brown is soooooo hot!

Smart Teen Girl- Well I'm gonna go listen to my indie bands now, and think about William Beckett... good luck with that.


Air Headed Teenage Girl- OMG OMG OMG Pete Wentz is so hot!

Smart Teen Girl- OMG OMG OMG who cares.
by JjeanoO September 1, 2008
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A girl between the ages of 13 and 19 who only likes something because it's cute or 'hawt'. They are usually stupid too, and most likely vain.
Air headed teenage girl - OMG! I totally love this band!
Non air-headed girl - Oh, what do they sing?
Air headed teenage girl - I dunno, but the singer's HAWT!!!!
Non air-headed girl - You're such an air-head...
Air-head - What's an air-head?
by ~HeYa~ September 5, 2010
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Getting oral sex while flying a plane.
I was taking flight lessons and the pilot gave me some Air-head.
by Thompison333 February 27, 2021
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Someone whom everyone thinks is stupid, but has the whole game figured out.
#1 " She's stupid!!! She's an Air head. Her boyfriend is cheating on her! " #2 That's Ace!!!! She's got it figured out! She's Too Flight!!! ". #3 That's Elle Woods!"
by # Ace1243 January 30, 2020
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its not a fucking word
don't use it
use other insults like

- big head
- small head
- no head
- empty head
- head
just use a word that's actually a word
Person 1: that's dumb your an air-head
Person 2: what?
Person 1: an air-head
Person 2: that's not a word?
by air cranium August 15, 2022
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