Short for American Family Association

An organization based on christian values whose aim is to present traditional family values back to America.
by Falconrath January 21, 2004
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Short for "A Friend Always." A term used to sign letters, used in the same way as "from" or "sincerely."
Dear Person 1,
How are you? I hope all is well. Please write back soon.

Person 2
by Soupy November 3, 2008
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Arabic slang. Often used like "Burn" or "So there."

Said: Ah-fah
by Trevy October 30, 2007
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Asshole From Above. Usually used to refer to one's superiors at work, such as regional managers, Vice Presidents, people from Corporate, etc.
"We have to have the whole store looking perfect before the AFAs walk through it on Tuesday."
by K Jensen July 13, 2018
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Anime Freaks of America: the organization created in southern KY by the biggist Otakus around. Me and other anime members in the organization go by both made up anime names or ones off of shows. the made up ones for example are; Youkai, Yuri, Ayanna, Eimi ect... mostly travel in groups the AFA in mostly known around there city and the schools they go to.. also there ancestors fought in the great Prep and Dork war many many years ago witch now there enemy's today are the preps... ^_^
AFA member 1 (me): so we up for the anime convention this week

AFA member 2: hells yea i am so happy i can piss myself

AFA member 1 (me): hay ummm how come im the only boy in the AFA

AFA member 2: omg u are lol

Prep (anime hater): anime sux

*both AFA members draw there japanese swords and slawter the ememy >_<
by Youkai the samurai April 8, 2006
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abbr. Arrested For Arson. Original rock band from Montana.
"We are so going to go see AFA tonight
by Ilickdrumsticks October 31, 2009
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