we up

1) In street culture influenced by Chicago gang culture and Drill Music, "we up" is an oblique reference to the score. The score is a record of gang members slain by their rivals. Each death demands reprisal. Literally, then, to be "up" means that your side has killed more of their side than they have of yours; you have a net positive account of bodies.

2) To be "up" also means to be solvent, to have drugs to sell, and to be powerful, on point, in the sense of "on top." This wider usage is probably because the direction "up" usually corresponds with positivity, happiness, and thought in our culture, according to George Lakoff.
"You must be trippin' if you really think that they up"
- G Fredo

"Have you any refined cocaine in your possession, which you are willing to exchange for currency, later today?"

"Yeah, we up."
by The Grown-Up August 9, 2020
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We up fr

Use this phrase when you’re winning at life.
Brooooo, shawty wants me soo bad.

I know bro, and my girl and me are back together

“We up fr” right now
by marinoa21 September 24, 2022
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We up fr

“We up fr” is said when a mf is so low in life, the only way to make himself feel better is by gaslighting himself into thinking he’s “up”
Guy 2: yo how did your date go?

Guy: she stood me up, who cares her loss, we up fr
by Pooppants69420 January 24, 2023
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we going up streaks

basically when something exciting is about to happen.
im getting a new phone, we going up streaks
by yikes dude January 5, 2019
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Never switching up or giving up on the homies, to do what ever it takes
Aye yo mike left me to die

Damn what happened to we dont switch up we dont fold
by Ykwtfii November 2, 2020
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Let’s go we pull up

When gangs in Da hood when they pull up.
Gang Leader: Yeah finally we own this building in Da hood.
Everyone in the gang: Let’s go we pull up
by EpicLLama May 18, 2021
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