when something is so yikes and cringe that you yinge.
Bro when i saw him start casting hurricane with show helm i was yinging hard.

The way you use should of rather than should have is giga yinge

by vymi November 17, 2019
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Ying, is the nicest girl you'll ever meet. Her face beams up when she's happy and her eyes become like crescent moons. She's so good at showing her brave face her optimism rubs of on you. She'll move away from home to a different state or country one day but she's had such a monumental positive impact on your life, you'll never be able to forget her.
Man, in every word I see Ying, I miss her
by blxssxm1 June 4, 2021
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Ying, is an exclamatory word, used when surprised suddenly by someone, or something. It is never used in a sentence, only as a one word phrase in response to a surprise. Also the sound the guards make in the videogame "Metal Gear Solid 2", when surprised, in it's written word form. Must be said in the same tone as the sound from the game.
"Hey I just totally $%#$ed your girlfriend!"

by Malonde December 12, 2006
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Ying is a very important, admirable, beautiful, and smart woman. This person should be care for by the people who love her greatly. She has all the right friends, but not the right emotions. This very important person and needs to be cared for. She is the coolest, lovable, and something that is required in life. Ying needs to be treated with respect and is a very nice, passionate, people who dislike her need to get a different hobby instead of hating.
Ying is very valuable never lose her.
by Ying is a very gud gurl December 11, 2018
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a) To go very fast.
b) A great distance.
a) I'm just going to ying over to the dudes house.

b) It's a fair old ying to dudes house!
by Bobby Newmark September 21, 2004
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an exclamitory word. it is used when one randomly sneaks up upon an unsuspecting victim, preceded by violently screaming "YING!" in their ear, thereby scaring the shit out of them.
"dude i just yinged the shit out of those beaners mowing that lawn. you should have seen them run back to mexico!"
by jAkE August 8, 2005
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The act of selling narcotics (illegal drugs)
I ying to make money cause a 9 to 5 ain't suited for me
by Sweet Crimson August 19, 2010
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